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Pam Murray, The Practical Mystic

For your Business and Spiritual Success

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If you'd like to order by mail: Just print out this page, fill it in, write your check and mail it to Pam Murray, PO Box 1996, Walla Walla WA 99362. Your Reward: You get free shipping!!!

Item #	Item Description			Qty	Each	Total
B1	Book: The New Success			____	$12.95  ______

B2	Book: Remembering Your Destiny		____	$14.95	______

D1	Destiny Cards				____	$15.95 	______
M1	Monograph: Magical, Mystical
	Bible Numbers				____	$10.00  ______
M2	Monograph: From Two to Twelve		____	$10.00	______
M3	Monograph: Revelation, The Ascension
	Manual of Jesus the Christ		____	
W3	Manual: Secrets of Master Networkers:
	How to Build a Powerful Business
	Network					____	$19.95	______

C4	Tape Album: Secrets of Master
	Networkers				____	$39.00	______

A2	Networking Manual and Album		____	$55.00	______

C1	Tape: The New Success			____	$10.00	______

C2	Tape: Joyful Change			____	$10.00	______

C3	Tape: Gifts of the Spirit		____	$10.00	______

C5	Tape: Magic Meditation-Forgiveness	____	$10.00	______

R1	Rough Cut: Repair and Activation	____	$ 6.00	______

R2	Rough Cut: Contracts, Vows & Notions	____	$ 6.00	______

R3	Rough Cut: The Alchemy of Activation	____	$ 6.00  ______
R4	Rough Cut: The Thirteenth Strand	____	$ 6.00  ______
RT	All four Rough Cut Tapes		____	$20.00	______

K1	Booklet: 127 Ways to Build a Powerful
	Business Network			____	$ 5.00	______

K2	Booklet: 127 Ways to Add POW to Your
	Presentation				____	$ 5.00	______

K3	Booklet: 127 No- and Low-Cost Ways
	to Market Your Service Business		____	$ 5.00	______

Booklet volume pricing (mix and match any of the three booklets: 1-2, $5.00 each; 
	3-5, $3.00 each, 6-25, $2.00 each; 25-499, $1.50 each.

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