As the soul progresses through its experiences, it picks up programs and actually becomes "damaged" (the closest word we currently have for this experience). The process of Spiritual Response Therapy can help you to clear and heal these programs and damages that your soul has accumulated, thus accelerating your spiritual quest. In some cases people have experienced physical, emotional, and mental healings and even release from addictions. Your experience will be unique to you.
Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) is a meticulous process of researching the subconscious and soul records to discover and release hidden blocks to health, happiness, and spiritual growth. It allows you to directly access your Higher Self. Developed by Rev. Robert
Detzler, working with Spirit, SRT
researches past life energies, subconscious blocks and negative soul programming. From that
research, Higher Self can access the akashic records and clear any discordant energies or programs. This will remove the negative emotional charges from the soul record, past, present or future, and replace them with a positive
These programs are very powerful and can actually prevent us from achieving our
potential, both personally and spiritually. Your soul has accumulated these
programs throughout lifetimes. They can result in health challenges, allergies,
emotional blocks, fears, blocks to life expression, and other challenges..
SRT practitioners work with charts and pendulums to help you in removing past blocks and present accumulated negative energies. Once you are cleared, you can continue to keep yourself clear as well as accelerate the process of the Twelve Strand DNA activation and anchoring.
{NOTE: part of this text is from Robert Detzler's book, Soul Re-Creation.)
Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) traces past, present, future, and parallel lives and heals the damage done to the soul during those incarnations. SRT sessions conducted by Spirit through Pam Murray cost $54.00. You will receive:
Any guidance received by Pam from Spirit regarding your personal situation. (It must be understood that any health guidance must not be taken as medical advice, nor is it intended to replace guidance from a qualified health practitioner.)
In addition, you will receive:
Please note that these sessions are done independently by Pam. If you want a personal reading/clearing over the phone, the charge is $90.00 per hour, paid in advance. (Spirit tells Pam how long the session will be and she will let you know the charge before you begin.) Phone sessions are scheduled by appointment only.
If you would like a personal Spiritual Response session from Pam, please print out the form below, fill it in, and mail it with your check for
$54.00 to Pam Murray, PO Box 1996, Walla Walla WA 99362. You may also use PayPal
to pay for your session. Pam will address your request as quickly as possible, which means that, unless she is on the road, you should receive it about 10 days after you mail this form.
Name: ________________________________________________________________
Phone: ______________________ e-mail: _______________________________
City, State, Zip: ____________________________________________________
Please list any special problems or concerns you would like Pam to address specifically: